Hosting an exchange student can be a wonderful experience. It allows a host family to become familiar with another culture and to introduce our culture to the student. Youth Exchange promises to enrich the lives of the student and every member of your family. Every year Rotary International hosts thousands of students across the United States; in our district more than 20 area students spend a school year in another county and the same number are students here. You will meet many of them at various exchange student functions.
How it works
Rotary will assign a student to your family for 1/3 of the school year, although first families usually keep their student past the Christmas Holiday. Canandaigua Rotary will assign three families for each student. All we ask is that you treat your exchange student as you would treat your own and introduce him/her to your way of life. They are not royalty nor are they servants; they are teenagers who have the privilege of living with you and you with them. You are however, their legal parents during their stay.

Frequently asked questions
Do I have to be a Rotarian? No.
Am I responsible for their expenses? They are responsible for personal expenses and receive a $ 75 per month allowance from Rotary. However, you are responsible for "room and board" and routine expenses incurred as a member of the family.
How about medical insurance? No, they have a policy with a deductible that they pay; your personal physician would see them if necessary.
What do we have to provide? A bed, bureau, closet and a place to study and the usual transportation.
Must they have their own room? They can share with another student of the same sex.
What aren't they allowed to do? Think 5 D's. No drinking, drugs, driving (operation of machinery) or serious dating (group events fine). downloading on to their hosts computer without their permission
What are they expected to do? Go to school, try their best in a foreign language, and participate in sports, theatre, music or any group activity that leads to involvement.
Is the student expected to go to our church? You may invite them but they are not required and may prefer to go a church of their own faith.
Can we travel with them? Yes, but there is a travel form that needs to be filled out.
Where can I find more information on hosting? Go to the About Us / Club Officers section of this website, and you can contact one of the club officers for further information.