Thank you Curtis Bailey for organizing our holiday Salvation Army bell-ringing, and thank you to all the Rotarians who stood in the cold, ringing the bells for the good of the community. And to win the Rotary / Kiwanis competition!

Greg Heller (second from right) becomes our newest Rotarian

Donna Lacourse (center) is inducted to the club

Jared Simpson (with microphone) becomes a Rotarian.

Catherine "Cat" Barnum (center, back) is inducted to Rotary

Manning the Rotary display at Discover Canandaigua

Kyle Sheppard (center, with microphone) is inducted into Canandaigua Rotary Club as dad Mark (right) smiles approvingly

Susan Cooney (center) is inducted into Canandaigua Rotary Club

Canandaigua residents enjoy Rotary- sponsored Finger Lakes Concert band performance at Kershaw Park

Kim Tenreiro becomes Canandaigua Rotary Club President as Nancy Stelnyk becomes Past President